Mathata a Leoatle le Lefubelu a ka sitisa likepe tsa lefats'e

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Tataiso ea Morero

Leoatle le Lefubelukoluoa ​​​​e ka sitisa ho tsamaisa thepa lefatšeng ka bophara,
Leoatle le Lefubelu,


OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), e ikopantseng le US DOL (Department of Labor), e batla hore lihlahisoa tsohle tse tla sebelisoa mosebetsing li lokela ho hlahlojoa le ho fuoa mangolo a tumello ke NRTL pele li rekisoa 'marakeng. Litekanyetso tse sebetsang tsa liteko li kenyelletsa maemo a American National Standards Institute (ANSI); Litekanyetso tsa American Society for Testing Material (ASTM), Litekanyetso tsa Underwriter Laboratory (UL), le maemo a mokhatlo a lumellanang le feme.

▍OSHA, NRTL, cTUVus, ETL le UL tlhaloso ya mareo le kamano

OSHA:Kgutsufatso ya Tsamaiso ya Tshireletso le Bophelo bo Botle Mosebetsing. Ke mokhatlo oa US DOL (Lefapha la Basebetsi).

NRTL:Kgutsufatso ya Laboratori ya Teko e Amoheletsweng Naha. Ke eona e ikarabellang bakeng sa tumello ea lab. Ho fihlela joale, ho na le litsi tse 18 tsa tlhahlobo ea mokha oa boraro tse amohetsoeng ke NRTL, ho kenyeletsoa TUV, ITS, MET joalo-joalo.

cTUVus:Letšoao la setifikeiti sa TUVRh Amerika Leboea.

ETL:Kgutsufatso ea Laboratori ea Teko ea Motlakase ea Amerika. E thehiloe ka 1896 ke Albert Einstein, moqapi oa Amerika.

UL:Litlhaloso tsa likarolo tsa Underwriter Laboratories Inc.

▍Phapang lipakeng tsa cTUVus, ETL & UL

Ntho UL cTUVus ETL
Tekanyetso e sebelisitsoeng

E tšoanang

Setsi se tšoanelehang bakeng sa rasiti ea setifikeiti

NRTL (laboratori e amohetsweng naheng ka bophara)

'Maraka o sebelisitsoeng

Amerika Leboea (US le Canada)

Setsi sa liteko le setifikeiti Underwriter Laboratory (China) Inc e etsa liteko le ho fana ka lengolo la qeto ea morero MCM e etsa liteko le setifikeiti sa litaba tsa TUV MCM e etsa liteko le setifikeiti sa litaba tsa TUV
Lead time 5-12W 2-3W 2-3W
Litsenyehelo tsa kopo E phahameng ka thaka Hoo e ka bang 50 ~ 60% ea litšenyehelo tsa UL Hoo e ka bang 60 ~ 70% ea litšenyehelo tsa UL
Molemo Setsi sa lehae sa Amerika se nang le kananelo e ntle US le Canada Setsi sa Machabeng se na le bolaoli 'me se fana ka theko e lekaneng, hape e amoheloa ke Amerika Leboea Setsi sa Amerika se nang le kananelo e ntle Amerika Leboea
  1. Theko e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea liteko, tlhahlobo ea fektheri le ho kenya lifaele
  2. Nako e telele ea ho etella pele
Tsebiso e nyane ho feta ea UL Tlhokomelo e nyane ho feta ea UL ho netefatso ea karolo ea sehlahisoa

▍Hobaneng MCM?

● Tšehetso e bonolo ho tsoa ho mangolo a thuto le theknoloji:Joalo ka lab ea tlhahlobo ea lipaki ea TUVRH le ITS ho Setifikeiti sa Amerika Leboea, MCM e khona ho etsa liteko tsa mefuta eohle le ho fana ka litšebeletso tse betere ka ho fapanyetsana theknoloji sefahleho le sefahleho.

● Tšehetso e thata ea theknoloji:MCM e na le lisebelisoa tsohle tsa tlhahlobo bakeng sa libeteri tsa merero e meholo, e nyane le e nepahetseng (ke hore koloi ea motlakase, matla a polokelo le lihlahisoa tsa elektroniki), e khonang ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa tlhahlobo ea betri le setifikeiti Amerika Leboea, tse akaretsang maemo. UL2580, UL1973, UL2271, UL1642, UL2054 joalo-joalo.

TheLeoatle le Lefubeluke eona feela tsela ea hore likepe li tsamaee pakeng tsa Leoatle la Atlantic le la Indian. E lutse mateanong a lik'honthinente tse peli tsa Asia le Afrika. Qetello ea eona e ka boroa e kopanya Leoatle la Arabia le Leoatle la Indian ho pholletsa le Bab el-Mandeb Strait, 'me qetello ea eona e ka leboea e hokahana le Leoatle la Mediterranean le Leoatle la Atlantic ho pholletsa le Suez Canal. Tsela ea Bab el-Mandeb Strait, Leoatle le Lefubelu le Suez Canal ke e 'ngoe ea litsela tse phetheselang ka ho fetisisa tsa likepe lefatšeng. Hona joale Suez Canal e lokela ho ba mothapo o moholo ka ho fetisisa oa lipalangoang lefatšeng, haholo-holo ha Panama Canal e tobane le khaello e matla ea metsi le ho fokotsa matla a ho tsamaea. E le mocha o ka sehloohong oa ho tsamaisa likepe bakeng sa litsela tsa Asia-Europe, Asia-Mediterranean, le Asia-Bochabela United States, Suez Canal, phello ea eona khoebong ea lefats'e le likepe e ntse e eketseha. Ho latela Neue Zürcher Zeitung, hoo e ka bang 12% ea lipalangoang tsa thepa ea lefats'e e feta Leoatleng le Lefubelu le Suez Canal.
Ho tloha ha ho qhoma ntoa e ncha ea Palestina le Iseraele, mabotho a hlometseng a Houthi a Yemen a 'nile a hlasela Iseraele khafetsa ka lebaka la "ho tšehetsa Palestina"' me a lula a hlasela likepe "tse amanang le Iseraele" Leoatleng le Lefubelu. Ka lebaka la litaba tse ntseng li eketseha khafetsa tsa likepe tsa khoebo tse hlasetsoeng haufi le Leoatle le Lefubelu-Mandeb Strait, linatla tse ngata tsa likepe ho pota lefatše - Swiss Mediterranean, Danish Maersk, French CMA CGM, German Hapag-Lloyd, joalo-joalo li phatlalalitse ho qoba Red Tsela ea leoatle. Ho tloha ka la 18 Tšitoe 2023, lik'hamphani tse hlano tse holimo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng tse tsamaisang likepe li phatlalalitse ho emisoa ha likepe tseleng ea metsing ea Leoatle le Lefubelu-Suez. Ntle le moo, COSCO, Orient Overseas Shipping (OOCL) le Evergreen Marine Corporation (EMC) le tsona li boletse hore likepe tsa bona tsa likepe li tla emisa ho sesa Leoatleng le Lefubelu. Mothating ona, lik'hamphani tse kholo tsa lefats'e tse tsamaisang likepe li se li qalile kapa li mothating oa ho emisa ho tsamaea ka sekepe tseleng ea Leoatle le Lefubelu ho ea Suez.
Mathata a Leoatle le Lefubelu a thibetse ho boloka libuka litseleng tsohle tse lebang bophirimela Asia Bochabela, ho kenyeletsoa Bochabela bo Hare, Leoatle le Lefubelu, Afrika Leboea, Leoatle le Letšo, bochabela ba Mediterranean, bophirimela ho Mediterranean le leboea-bophirimela ho Europe.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona