Liphetoho tse kholo ho moralo oa GB 36276 bakeng sa ho kopa maikutlo

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Tataiso ea Morero

Liphetoho tse kholoho moralo oa GB 36276 bakeng sa ho kopa maikutlo,
Liphetoho tse kholo,

▍Sekema sa Ngodiso se Tlamehileng (CRS)

Lekala la Electronics & Information Technology le lokollotsoeElectronics & Information Technology Thepa-Tlhoko bakeng sa Taelo e Tlamang ea Ngoliso ea I- E tsebisitsoe ka la 7thSeptember, 2012, 'me e qalile ho sebetsa ka la 3rdMphalane, 2013. Tlhokahalo ea Thepa ea Electronics & Information Technology bakeng sa Ngoliso e Tlamang, seo hangata se bitsoang setifikeiti sa BIS, ha e le hantle se bitsoa ngoliso/setifikeiti sa CRS. Lihlahisoa tsohle tsa elektroniki tse lethathamong la lihlahisoa tsa ngoliso tse tlamang tse romelloang India kapa tse rekisoang 'marakeng oa India li tlameha ho ngolisoa ho Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Ka Pulungoana 2014, ho ile ha eketsoa mefuta e 15 ea lihlahisoa tse tlamang tse ngolisitsoeng. Likarolo tse ncha li kenyelletsa: liselefouno, libeteri, libanka tsa motlakase, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, mabone a LED le liteishene tsa thekiso, joalo-joalo.

▍BIS Tekanyetso ea Betri

Sisteme ea nickel cell/betri: IS 16046 (Karolo ea 1): 2018/ IEC62133-1: 2017

Lithium system sele/betri: IS 16046 (Karolo ea 2): 2018/ IEC62133-2: 2017

Lisele tsa tšepe/betri e kenyelelitsoe ho CRS.

▍Hobaneng MCM?

● Re tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a setifikeiti sa India ka lilemo tse fetang 5, 'me re thusitse moreki ho fumana lengolo la pele la lefats'e la betri ea BIS. 'Me re na le liphihlelo tse sebetsang le ho bokella lisebelisoa tse tiileng lebaleng la setifikeiti sa BIS.

● Bao e kileng ea e-ba liofisiri tse phahameng tsa Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) ba hiriloe e le moeletsi oa setifikeiti, ho netefatsa katleho ea linyeoe le ho tlosa kotsi ea ho hlakoloa ha nomoro ea ngoliso.

● Kaha re na le litsebo tse matla tsa ho rarolla mathata a ho fana ka setifikeiti, re kopanya lisebelisoa tsa matsoalloa a India. MCM e boloka puisano e ntle le balaoli ba BIS ho fa bareki tlhahisoleseling le litšebeletso tsa setifikeiti tsa maemo a holimo, tse hloahloa le tse nang le matla a ho feta.

● Re sebeletsa lik'hamphani tse etellang pele liindastering tse sa tšoaneng 'me re fumana botumo bo botle tšimong, e leng se etsang hore re tšeptjoe ka ho tebileng le ho tšehetsoa ke bareki.

Ka Phato, Libetri tsa Naha tsa Lithium ion bakeng sa Polokelo ea Motlakase (GB/T 36276) e ntlafalitsoeng ke Komiti ea Naha ea Tekheniki mabapi le Polokelo ea Maemo ea Motlakase e phethiloe ka mekhahlelo e meraro ea lipuisano le ntlafatso. Hajoale, moralo ona o buletsoe sechaba hore se fane ka maikutlo. Phetolelo e ncha, e lebelletsoeng ho lokolloa selemong se tlang, e tla nkela sebaka sa GB/T 36276:2018. GB/T 36276 e mabapi le litlhoko tsa libeteri tsa lithium-ion bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea matla a motlakase, moralo o koahelang, ts'ebetso ea motlakase, ts'ebetso ea mechine, ts'ebetso ea mocheso le litlhoko tse ling. Tekanyetso ena e shebana le polokeho le boleng ba ts'ebeliso e kholo ea libeteri tsa lithium-ion tšimong ea polokelo ea matla a motlakase. Ts'ebetsong ea tekanyetso ena e thusa ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e bolokehileng ea liteishene tsa polokelo ea matla a electrochemical.
 Litšobotsi tse ncha tse ekelitsoeng tsa matla le teko ea curve: tefiso e lekantsoeng le matla a ho ntša ka tlas'a tefiso e fapaneng le matla a ho ntša ha ea lokela ho ba ka tlase ho boleng bo tiisitsoeng ba tefiso le ho ntša matla ka tlas'a matla, 'me lekhalo la matla a betri a fapaneng le matla le lokela ho ba teng. faneng ka.
 Teko e fetelletseng le teko ea ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso: pele e ne e tsejoa e le tefiso ea sekhahla le tlhahlobo ea ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso. Teko ea makhetlo a 4 e lekantsoeng tefiso le matla a ho lahla a hlakotsoe, ke teko feela ea tefiso e lekantsoeng le matla a ho lahla le makhetlo a 2 a lekantsoeng tefiso le matla a ho lahla a bolokiloe.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona